We have tax-free counters at 37 stores in Hokkaido.
We have many convenient services for our customers who are visiting from overseas. We will assist you in your travel of Hokkaido.
Our stores also serve as useful landmarks across Hokkaido.

Merchandise handled/Food / Clothing / Baby products / Cosmetics / Pharmacy, etc.
Credit cards/Master / Maestro / Cirrus / VISA / PLUS / Union pay / WeChatPay / Alipay
Business Hours/Differ from store to store. Please check each store information for details.
Closed/Open year-round

ATMs accepting foreign credit cards
ATMs accepting foreign credit cards
Pharmaceuticals Corner
Pharmaceuticals Corner
Web coupons are for foreign visitors to Japan
Web coupons are for foreign visitors to Japan
Alcoholic Beverage Corner
Alcoholic Beverage Corner
Go through procedure at the tax free counter
Cosmetics Corner

UU Hokkaido® is transmitted locally through 12 portals in Asia.
We also publish a walking map.

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